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Sprayer Filter Keeps Tractor Fuel Lines Open
Rust and dirt clogging the fuel line on your antique tractor or stationary engine?
  "Most older engines have a settling bulb in the fuel line, but that only catches water and the largest sediment," says Bill Mossbach, Pocahontas, Arkansas. "A lot of old fuel tanks are loaded with years of dirt and rust so the fuel lines are bound to plug up."
  But Mossbach has the solution. He devised a way to use an ordinary stainless steel sprayer filter to screen fuel as it leaves the tank. "I buy brass sprayer filter bodies û the kind with the brass retaining screw - and mount them on the top of the sediment bulb, where the bracket that holds it mounts to the fuel tank. Using JB Weld, I glue the filter body to a stem made of copper or steel tubing. Then I glue the other end of the stem into the fuel inlet at the top of the settling bulb bracket. That way, all fuel first goes through the screen before getting into the fuel line.
  "I use 50 to 100-mesh filter screens on these. Any sediment that can pass through the screen will pass through the fuel line without clogging it," he says.
  He recommends the stem on the filter be left long enough that the filter body is about 5/8 in. above the sediment bulb assembly.
  He says the size of the hole in the fuel inlet in the top of the sediment bulb assembly may require that it be drilled out to fit his filter assembly. "Or you may need a bushing to shim the hole if it's larger than the stem tube," he says.
  While he uses JB Weld to put his filter together, he says any type of epoxy can be used.
  Mossbach sells the complete fuel filter assembly for $5.50, plus $1.50 for shipping and handling. While he says installing the filter is not difficult, for a slight additional cost, plus return shipping, you can send him your sediment bulb bracket and he'll install the filter for you.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Mossbach, Little Bit Ranch, 8506 Hwy 113, Pocahontas, Ark. 72455 (ph 870 647-2169).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #2