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Trap And Video Guaranteed To Stop Moles
Jon Schroedl guarantees he can take care of any mole problem.
  "My wife, Wanda, and I have been successfully trapping moles for years, using methods and a scissors-type trap that we invented," says Schroedl, of Snohomish, Washington.
  Schroedl worked on the trap for several years before finally applying for a patent on it three years ago. He says their JS2000 mole trap is easier to set and safer for the mole trapper than any other trap on the market.
  The Schroedls believe the main reason many people fail in their efforts to trap moles is that they don't understand where and how to place traps. To solve the problem, they produced a video, available with their trap that teaches mole trapping techniques.
  They're so confident it will help you clear up your mole problems that they offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee on the trap-video combination. Of course, you can buy JS2000 traps without the video, but you'll not get the guarantee. The Schroedls have contracted with a manufacturer and are making the trap and video available to distributors and retail outlets.
  "We have the Pacific Northwest covered now, and soon the trap and trap-video combo should be available all over the U.S. and Canada," Schroedl says. The Schroedls' Website, www.moleproblem.com, is currently under construction, but should be operating by early March.
  Check there or call the toll-free number for information on availability in your area.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jon and Wanda Schroedl, 6014 95th Drive S.E., Snohomish, Wash. 98290 (ph 888 252-9800 or 360 568-9738; E-mail: shagans@hotmail
.com; Website: www.moleproblem.com or www.moleproblemnoproblem.com).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #2