New Tow-Behind Bale Hauler-Unroller
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A new "multi-use" round bale hauler-unroller designed to be pulled behind your pickup or tractor lets you haul bales at highway speeds and unroll them in either direction, and can also be equipped with optional attachments including a plastic bale wrapper, wire roller-unroller, and 15-ft. high crane, according to Peregrine Mfg. Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The"Farm Arm" multi-use bale handling system consists of a 5-ft. long prong and 3-arm cradle. A hydraulic cylinder tilts the system consists of a 5-ft. long prong and 3-arm cradle. A hydraulic cylinder tilts the prong and cradle at a pivot point just above the trailer axle.
"It lets you haul bales at highway speeds and unroll them in either direction, and eliminates the need to start a tractor to feed round bales in the winter," says Danny Kuzwb, inventor. "Other bale hauler-unrollers are tractor-mounted which limits highway speeds and is less safe to use be-cause all of the weight is on the rear of the tractor. They can turn the bale in only one direction which forces you to load it according to the direction the bale was wound. My bale hauler turns in either direction allowing you to load the bale from either end. It's
also safer to use because it's trailer-mounted. About 75% of the weight is on the trailer and 25% is on the pickup or tractor which is just enough to provide extra traction.
"It's also a much more versatile unit because of the attachments. The plastic bale wrapping attachment mounts on front of the trailer and wraps the bale in transport position. "
The bale hauler-unroller can be powered by a self-contained electric-over-hydraulic 12-volt hydraulic pump with hand-held by a self-contained electric-over-hydraulic 12-volt hydraulic pump with hand-held remote control, a 5 hp gas engine that drives a hydraulic pump with remote control, or a clutch kit that's belt-driven by the pickup or tractor engine. The pump operates only when the clutch is activated with the remote control.
Sells for $2,900 (Canadian). The optional plastic bale wrapper sells for $290, the crane (for lifting loads or putting on tractor duals) sells for $400, and the wire unroller for $300.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Follow up, Peregrine Mfg. Ltd., 1249 Plessis Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R2C 3L9 (ph 204 222-2768).

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New Tow-Behind Bale Hauler-Unroller HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Bale Handling (5) 14-5-28 A new "multi-use" round bale hauler-unroller designed to be pulled behind your pickup or tractor lets you haul bales at highway speeds and unroll them in either direction, and can also be equipped with optional attachments including a plastic bale wrapper, wire roller-unroller, and 15-ft. high crane, according to Peregrine Mfg. Ltd., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The"Farm Arm" multi-use bale handling system consists of a 5-ft. long prong and 3-arm cradle. A hydraulic cylinder tilts the system consists of a 5-ft. long prong and 3-arm cradle. A hydraulic cylinder tilts the prong and cradle at a pivot point just above the trailer axle.
"It lets you haul bales at highway speeds and unroll them in either direction, and eliminates the need to start a tractor to feed round bales in the winter," says Danny Kuzwb, inventor. "Other bale hauler-unrollers are tractor-mounted which limits highway speeds and is less safe to use be-cause all of the weight is on the rear of the tractor. They can turn the bale in only one direction which forces you to load it according to the direction the bale was wound. My bale hauler turns in either direction allowing you to load the bale from either end. It's
also safer to use because it's trailer-mounted. About 75% of the weight is on the trailer and 25% is on the pickup or tractor which is just enough to provide extra traction.
"It's also a much more versatile unit because of the attachments. The plastic bale wrapping attachment mounts on front of the trailer and wraps the bale in transport position. "
The bale hauler-unroller can be powered by a self-contained electric-over-hydraulic 12-volt hydraulic pump with hand-held by a self-contained electric-over-hydraulic 12-volt hydraulic pump with hand-held remote control, a 5 hp gas engine that drives a hydraulic pump with remote control, or a clutch kit that's belt-driven by the pickup or tractor engine. The pump operates only when the clutch is activated with the remote control.
Sells for $2,900 (Canadian). The optional plastic bale wrapper sells for $290, the crane (for lifting loads or putting on tractor duals) sells for $400, and the wire unroller for $300.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Follow up, Peregrine Mfg. Ltd., 1249 Plessis Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R2C 3L9 (ph 204 222-2768).
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