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Fork + Knife = Knork
For many of us, it's habit. We have the fork in our hand and the meat is in front of us. And so we saw through the meat with our fork.
  Now Mike Miller's made the task easier by inventing the Knork, a stainless steel fork with table knife edges on both sides and a "finger platform" which makes pressing on it painless.
  It's not sharp enough to cut the user but with a bit of hand rocking motion, it'll cut steak. "It'll show you how good a quality your steak is," Miller says.
  Parents like having young kids use the Knork and Miller says kids love them. The blind, those who have arthritis, or stroke victims who can only use one arm like Knorks because it's one utensil that functions as two. Miller says some even take it with them to restaurants.
  A single Knork sells for $6.49 plus S&H while a 4 pack sells for $24.95. Knorks come in reusable plastic and sets.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, The Knork, 1840 E. Northern, P.O. Box 782734, Wichita, Kansas 67216 (ph 877 566-7548 or 316 264-7070; website: www.knok.net).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #1