1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #33
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Animated Gorilla Band
I'm sending along pictures of an animated "gorilla band" I put together on a budget that we think rivals just about anything Disney ever built. The lifesize gorillas "play" a saxophone, piano and drums. We play recorded music and the gorillas move like they're actually playing the instruments themselves. I used 20 small electric motors, purchased from Grainger Co. (800 323-0620; 800 225-7149 in III.), to provide the animation. We built the frames and then fitted them with gorilla suits and clothing.What's great about this idea is that we can take the band out to malls, parades and other special occasions and charge for the performance. Once I get there, I just turn them on and sit back and relax. They do all the work. I can charge a couple hundred dollars for an appearance. We change music to fit the occasion. I call them my "retirement plan" and I'm proud to have created some-thing that works so well and pleases so many people. You almost have to see them to believe how fife-like they are. I'd be willing to build more of these on a custom basis if anyone is interested. (Ken Winans, Box 1815, Binghamton, N.Y. 13902 ph 607 722-0054)

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