2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #02
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Dealer Specilizes In Chinese Tractors
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That's the message you'll get from Richard Stewart, a tractor dealer in Spokane, Wash., who's doing a booming business selling five brands of tractors imported directly from China. They range from 18 to 80 hp.
Stewart, of Homestead Tractors and Supply, handles Lenar, Jinma, FarmPro, Futian, and Kama tractors. All models are diesel-powered.
Stewart hopes to become the leading supplier of Chinese tractors in the western half of the U.S. Last November he traveled to China to attend the country's biggest equipment show.
"These tractors sell for about 30 to 40 percent less than Deere, Kubota, and New Holland tractors," says Stewart. "They come with a 1-year warranty. Our market is people who would otherwise probably buy a used tractor. They want a tractor to move horse manure, snow plow their driveway, drill a few fence posts, etc. These tractors are well built and simple. Their fit and finish isn't as pretty as it is on more expensive models and they don't have many bells and whistles, but they're a great value. They remind me of the old Ford 8N tractors with a good, basic engine, strong pto, and a 3-pt. hitch. The difference between them and the Ford 8N is that these tractors have power steering and diesel engines.
"Since my trip to China, I've spent quite a bit of time researching different tractor manufacturers to determine which tractors are built the best, which ones are being imported regularly, and which ones have parts readily available. With that in mind, I picked five brands that I thought would be the most intelligent choice if I was selling one to my brother."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Homestead Tractors & Supply, 16024 E. Sprague, Spokane, Wash. 99037 (ph 866 928-8444 or 509 928-8444; email: riks@maxquip.com).

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