2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #04
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Self-Propelled Welder, Generator
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"I had it on a trailer for awhile but it took up too much room in the barn. So I took it off the trailer for a while but then, when I needed it outside, I had to find a way to transport it. So I mounted the welder on an old Husky garden tractor with a blown engine, along with a 1/3 hp electric motor that's belted to the transmission on the mower. I made a hand clutch and rigged the steering to a lever. Both stick out to the right side of the machine. I bent the gear shift lever so it sticks out to the left.
"The tractor has 14 forward gears and 7 in reverse. In low range, it moves along at a good walking pace. I can even stand on the running board and ride along, but I built it to walk alongside.
"It also pulls itself up on a truck or pickup for transport to another location.
"On the front I built a platform that holds two 5-gal. buckets. They each hold 100 ft. of welding leads if I need them, but I seldom do because I can drive the welder right up to most jobs."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, George Land, 3870 South Merom Station Road, Merom, Ind. 47861 (ph 812 356-4906; email: lland5@netzero.com).

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