Tree Saw Mounts On Skid Steer
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When Ralph Bolinger went looking for a skid steer-mounted tree saw to cut saplings and small trees at their roots, he decided he couldn't justify the $4,500 price tag. He ended up building his own, patterning it after an antique "corn sled".
"Years ago, we had corn sleds that were V-shaped," explains Bolinger. "As a horse pulled them between two rows of corn, the sharp teeth on the edges cut the stalks."
His tree saw works similarly with sharp-toothed edges that slice through saplings and trees up to 8 in. in diameter. The cutting teeth are spaced an inch apart and are 1 1/4 in. deep and 1/4 in. thick.
The tree saw includes a brush guard to protect the skid steer cab from falling brush. A pincher arm connected to the brush guard/ tree saw base rides on the tree saw when not in use. When an auxiliary hydraulic cylinder and controls are connected to it, the tree saw can also be used to gather brush for disposal.
Besides price, another noticeable difference in Bolinger's tree saw is the horizontal 1/2-in. steel blade mounted to the point of the V-shaped saw. It allows him to dig in and cut off bushes and small trees underground. He notes that stems less than 2 in. in diameter are often too flexible for the lateral action tree saw.
Bolinger now manufactures the tree saw for $2,600. A 10-minute DVD of the saw in action is available on request.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ralph Bolinger, R&G Fabricating, 8949 N St. Rt. 15, Roann, Ind. 46974 (ph 260 982-8576).

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Tree Saw Mounts On Skid Steer TRACTORS Skid Steer Loaders 28-3-11 When Ralph Bolinger went looking for a skid steer-mounted tree saw to cut saplings and small trees at their roots, he decided he couldn't justify the $4,500 price tag. He ended up building his own, patterning it after an antique "corn sled".
"Years ago, we had corn sleds that were V-shaped," explains Bolinger. "As a horse pulled them between two rows of corn, the sharp teeth on the edges cut the stalks."
His tree saw works similarly with sharp-toothed edges that slice through saplings and trees up to 8 in. in diameter. The cutting teeth are spaced an inch apart and are 1 1/4 in. deep and 1/4 in. thick.
The tree saw includes a brush guard to protect the skid steer cab from falling brush. A pincher arm connected to the brush guard/ tree saw base rides on the tree saw when not in use. When an auxiliary hydraulic cylinder and controls are connected to it, the tree saw can also be used to gather brush for disposal.
Besides price, another noticeable difference in Bolinger's tree saw is the horizontal 1/2-in. steel blade mounted to the point of the V-shaped saw. It allows him to dig in and cut off bushes and small trees underground. He notes that stems less than 2 in. in diameter are often too flexible for the lateral action tree saw.
Bolinger now manufactures the tree saw for $2,600. A 10-minute DVD of the saw in action is available on request.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ralph Bolinger, R&G Fabricating, 8949 N St. Rt. 15, Roann, Ind. 46974 (ph 260 982-8576).
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