2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #23
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Critter "Rodeos" Draw Big Crowds
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"Each year in June, we have a guinea pig ęPignic' that's open to the public. It's a great way to draw attention," says Wild Rose Cavy Club president Joan Manley of Airdrie, Alberta. "Last year, we had guinea pig chuck wagon races, piggy buck riding, and an apple eating contest.
"For the wagon racing, we made little chuck wagons out of Styrofoam and harnesses from ribbon so the guinea pigs could pull them down a track made from colorfully painted boards. We ran the races in heats of eight."
For the piggy buck riding competition, Manley says they used stiff paper to make cut-out dolls with bowed legs so they would fit behind the guinea pigs' shoulders. The rodents were turned loose in a 3-ft. square cardboard box that was one foot high, and timed to see how soon they would unseat their riders.
All that was required for the apple eating competition were apples and hungry guinea pigs.
The club charged entrants 25 cents per event and awarded novelty prizes.
"We had guinea pig lovers from all over come and join us, and there were a lot of spectators, too, who learned a lot about the good natured disposition of guinea pigs," Manley says.
The unusual event went over so well, that it was copied and expanded on by some business owners in a nearby town the following month.
This group organized the "Little Critters Rodeo" which included events for rabbits, hamsters and gerbils, as well as guinea pigs.
In addition to charging a nominal fee, organizers sold advertising spots for $10 each on the chuck wagon "tarps" to raise money for charity. The idea paid off, as they raised $484 for "Backpacks for Kids," a charity that provides school supplies to disadvantaged children.
Added activities included Hamster Hot Rods and Rabbit Bronc Busting.
The business alliance plans to organize a critter rodeo again this year, and the Wild Rose Cavy Club is planning a circus theme for their 2004 Pignic.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wild Rose Cavy Club, c/o Joan Manley, 240 Springhaven Court, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada T4A 1L5 Alberta. (ph 403 948-5947; email: shiloh0@shaw.ca; website: http://wildrosecavyclub.1hwy.com) or Crafting With Carol & Company, c/o Carol Pearse, #2 400 Main St. N., Airdrie, Alberta, Canada T4B 2N1 (ph 403 48-7052; email: craftrat@telusplanet.net).

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