2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #27
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Insulation "Blankets" Stop Combine Fires
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The fire-proof blankets are used to cover engine exhaust manifolds, elbows, pipes, and mufflers. They're made from non-combustible fiberglass insulation material and have a mold resistant outer cover that can be hosed down. The blanket material is sold as a kit consisting of six to eight pieces that you lace together, using capstan rivets embedded in the edges of the blanket pieces. Flaps are used to completely cover the joints between blankets. Fiberglass tape and/or high temperature caulking is used to fill in any remaining gaps, if required.
"The blankets create a low-temperature surface on which dry leaves, seeds, stalks, and other plant matter won't catch fire," says Paul Herman, Firwin Co., North York, Ontario.
"We've supplied insulation blankets for years to manufacturers of forestry equipment, where bark, twigs, and dead leaves, etc. can lodge in the engine area and create a fire hazard. We're just starting to enter the farm market. So far we've targeted mainly sunflower growers, who have to deal with a lot of dry twigs and fluff coming off the plants. However, we've also sold a few kits to corn and soybean growers."
Herman says the blankets are custom made according to your combine brand and model. Each blanket kit sells for $500 to $700, depending on the combine model.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Firwin, 1685 Flint Rd., N. York, Ontario, Canada M3J 2W8 (ph 416 745-9389; fax 416 745-0782; email: pherman@firwin.com; website: www.firwin.com).

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