2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #32
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Personal Use Parasails Catching On Fast
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Sandra Clark first tried parasailing several years ago. She loved the sport, but figured there were ways to improve the sail so she began to make a few on her own. It wasn't long before she was running a business from her garage. That business grew until today, her Sport Chutes is one of the largest parasail makers in the world.
Sport Chutes sells a variety of chutes for personal or commercial use. Todd Wells, a manager with the company, says sales to individuals for their own personal use is growing.
"We have three chutes that are strictly for occasional use," he says. These measure 24, 26 and 28 ft., and will lift 250, 350, and 450 lbs. respectively. "With the largest one, you could fly two average sized adults at a time," he adds.
Sport Chute Parasails come with a carrying case, a deluxe padded harness, 300 ft. of towline, and an instruction manual.
Wells says you'll need a tow boat with a minimum of 90 to 95 hp. "Just about any boat that can pull skiers can handle a parasail," he says.
He says the chute, when airborne, will exert about the same pull on the boat as three or four skiers, so it's important that the tow line be properly anchored. He recommends a tow bridle like those used on some ski boats to keep multiple water-ski tow lines centered.
A 28-ft. parasail and accessories from Sport Chutes sells for about $1,800.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sport Chutes, 15610 Wright Brothers Drive, Addison, Texas 75001 (ph 972 661-1166; fax 972 661-1144; email: salesinfo@sportchutes. com; website: www.sportchutes.com.)

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