2004 - Volume #28, Issue #3, Page #32
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Skid-Proof Trailer Idea
Clendon Nichols had a bad experience a few years ago. He's a tractor puller who was loading a Deere 420 onto a flatbed trailer after an event. It was raining and the trailer was parked at a slight angle on a hill. As he got up on the trailer, the front end slid off the side of the trailer. Although it didn't tip over, it scared him enough to decide he was never going to let it happen again.After thinking about it, Nichols came up with a skid-proof coating for the trailer by first covering it with a light coat of sand, and then rolling on a coating of Herculiner bed liner û a hard plastic coating that goes on as a liquid and dries hard. It's normally used as a bed liner for pickups.
He says the hard gritty surface really did the trick and he's been using the idea ever since. After about three years of hard use, he says the original coating started to wear off in areas so he simply recoated it.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clendon Nichols, 12226 Kite Lane, Union, Ky. 41091 (ph 859 485-7676 or cell 859 743-0196).

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