"No Power" Rock Windrower
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Harley Rock Picker Sales & Screening, Inc., has developed a new rock windrower that has no hydraulic motors and isn't powered by a pto. The Harley Windrower can be mounted under any tractor or used as a pull-type to prepare 8 to 10-ft. swaths of ground at a time. Once the depth is set, no other adjustment is needed.
"Our deluxe model is a 10-ft. pull-type that has 30 "S" tines, a rock-surface-leveler, weed eradicator, and a patent-pending "V" Windrower," says Harley Fahenholz.
"The danish tines loosen the ground while the surfacer brings the rocks to the surface and levels the ground. The æV' Windrower piles the rocks, up to 12-in. dia. into a windrow for hauling away," says Fahrenholz.
"The windrower has 4 gauge wheels that control the depth. Once you get it adjusted after a few hundred feet, all you have to do is raise and lower it on the end of the field," he says. "It always stays the same depth.
"We can also put a 10-ft. hydraulic drive roller on it to windrow one way or we can put a tooth windrower on it if you prefer," Fahrenholz notes.
The deluxe Harley Windrower sells for $6,500. An economy model is available for $3,000. Prices may change based on steel prices.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harley Rock Picker Sales & Screening, Inc., Box 184, Miltona, Minn. 56354 (ph 218 943-2458).

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"No Power" Rock Windrower ROCK PICKERS Rock Pickers 28-3-35 Harley Rock Picker Sales & Screening, Inc., has developed a new rock windrower that has no hydraulic motors and isn't powered by a pto. The Harley Windrower can be mounted under any tractor or used as a pull-type to prepare 8 to 10-ft. swaths of ground at a time. Once the depth is set, no other adjustment is needed.
"Our deluxe model is a 10-ft. pull-type that has 30 "S" tines, a rock-surface-leveler, weed eradicator, and a patent-pending "V" Windrower," says Harley Fahenholz.
"The danish tines loosen the ground while the surfacer brings the rocks to the surface and levels the ground. The æV' Windrower piles the rocks, up to 12-in. dia. into a windrow for hauling away," says Fahrenholz.
"The windrower has 4 gauge wheels that control the depth. Once you get it adjusted after a few hundred feet, all you have to do is raise and lower it on the end of the field," he says. "It always stays the same depth.
"We can also put a 10-ft. hydraulic drive roller on it to windrow one way or we can put a tooth windrower on it if you prefer," Fahrenholz notes.
The deluxe Harley Windrower sells for $6,500. An economy model is available for $3,000. Prices may change based on steel prices.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harley Rock Picker Sales & Screening, Inc., Box 184, Miltona, Minn. 56354 (ph 218 943-2458).
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