Tip To Prevent Scalping Or Ripping Out Chunks Of Lawn When Plowing Snow
Trevor Shute, RR 6, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J3 (ph 519 822-6705): "Here's a tip to prevent scalping or ripping out chunks of lawn when plowing snow. I removed the skid plate from the bottom of my 7-ft. scraper blade and replaced it with a section that I cut from an old 8.75 by 16.5 truck tire. I used a Sawzall to cut the tire about 3 in. around the sidewall and the same around the tread, leaving an L-shaped rubber ring. Then I rolled out the rubber and used 5/8-in. bolts to attach it to the blade. To drill the holes, I clamped the rubber in the desired place on the blade and marked the holes, using spray paint from the backside. This made drilling in a press a lot easier than using a handheld drill. I've used this idea for about five years now and haven't torn up our lawn once. I can plow snow off a paved driveway and onto the lawn without damaging it."

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Tip To Prevent Scalping Or Ripping Out Chunks Of Lawn When Plowing Snow SNOWBLOWERS Snowblowers 28-3-37 Trevor Shute, RR 6, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6J3 (ph 519 822-6705): "Here's a tip to prevent scalping or ripping out chunks of lawn when plowing snow. I removed the skid plate from the bottom of my 7-ft. scraper blade and replaced it with a section that I cut from an old 8.75 by 16.5 truck tire. I used a Sawzall to cut the tire about 3 in. around the sidewall and the same around the tread, leaving an L-shaped rubber ring. Then I rolled out the rubber and used 5/8-in. bolts to attach it to the blade. To drill the holes, I clamped the rubber in the desired place on the blade and marked the holes, using spray paint from the backside. This made drilling in a press a lot easier than using a handheld drill. I've used this idea for about five years now and haven't torn up our lawn once. I can plow snow off a paved driveway and onto the lawn without damaging it."
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