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"Biblical" Donkeys Make Great Pets
"This is the donkey the Bible talks about," Arnold Kornegay of Gause, Texas says when asked about his herd of miniature donkeys.
  "When Jesus was walking up Golgotha Hill bearing the cross and a man came along with a small donkey and asked him if he could bear his cross to the top of the hill for him, Jesus said no. I'll bear my cross alone. And when he left, the shadow of the cross fell upon the little donkey and it's still on them today," he says, noting that almost all of them bear a cross of darker hair down their backs and at their shoulders.
  These little creatures, with biblical significance, can't do much. "They're worthless as far as being a work animal," he says.
  "Miniatures aren't usually used for serious farm work. They are best as pets, but a mature donkey, trained for a harness, can be used for pleasure driving. Some can be trained as fun mounts for small kids, but for the most part, people buy them to love," says Leah Patton, office manager for the American Donkey and Mule Society.
  Tame and gentle, they seek attention by "heehawing," making funny noises, or nudging those close by. With a life expectancy of 30 plus years, these animals are "lifetime" pets.
  Kornegay breeds and sells them as pets and says it's a good business because they're so enjoyable to work with.
  At most, the donkeys are 36 in. high at the withers and generally weigh from 250 to 450 lbs.
  They come in a wide variety of colors including Gray-dun, various shades of gray, black-brown, reddish brown and white.
  Generally, miniature donkeys are healthy animals. They require at least one acre of land to exercise and play.
  Kornegay sells young males, called jacks, for about $600. Females, called jennets, aren't born as often and sell for about $1,500. He says he doesn't know why this is but out of 8 or 10 pregnant jennets, he'll get two or three females if he's lucky.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Arnold Kornegay, 12231 E Highway 79, Gause, Tex. 77857 (ph 979 279-2528) or The American Donkey and Mule Society, P.O. Box 1210, Lewisville, Texas 75067 (ph 972 219-0781 M-F 8:30a.m.-6p.m. CST; email: adms@juno.com; website: www.lovelong ears.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #5