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Tractor With A Motorcycle Engine
Here's a new twist on tractor power. I worked as a mechanic on heavy equipment for most of my life. After retirement, I pursued my interest in old cars and tractors. Looking for something different, and having ridden motorcycles in my younger years, I decided a tractor with a motorcycle engine would be an interesting combination.
    I got the front axle and rear end off a Cub tractor and a wrecked 3-cylinder 750 Yamaha. The motor was frozen, all the wiring was gone, and the cycle had been sitting in the weather with no plugs. After weeks of work I was finally able to get it running.
    Next, I built a frame to fit the engine. The side frame straps were made from 2 1/2 by 1-in. flat stock which I connected to the front axle and rear end. I lengthened the frame from the front of the tractor to the transmission by 10 in. and made my own hood. The grill is off a 200 Farmall. A 1950's Mercedes hood ornament was added to give it class. This one-of-a-kind tractor has 15 forward gears and five reverse. By using a lot of odds and ends from my junk pile I was able to keep my total cost down to $75. (Joe Durham, 36395 Liberty Rd., Murrieta, Calif. 92362)

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4