New Sidehill Leveling System For Deere STS Combines
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We recently introduced a new sidehill leveling system for Deere STS combines. The 2970S system is engineered as a bolt-on system that allows it to be installed on both new and used Deere STS combines. The 18 percent leveling capability is fully automated and delivers smooth, powerful leveling performance. An innovative undercarriage design keeps the tread face of the tire flat on the ground during leveling and can accommodate either single or dual drive tires.
Instead of cumbersome cable and spring header controls, the 2970S is equipped with a hydraulic header control that can be integrated with the combine's Contour Master electronics to deliver fully automated height and lateral tilt control, essential on today's larger headers. The unit's extended feeder chain system eliminates the need for a paddle beater while improving feeding and greatly reducing maintenance.
A typical Deere STS combine can be equipped with a 2970S sidehill leveling system for about $28,500. (Lenny Hill, Hillco Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box 399, 107 1st Ave., Nezperce, Idaho 83543 ph 800 937-2461; email:; website: www.hillcotechnologies. com)

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New Sidehill Leveling System For Deere STS Combines COMBINES Accessories 28-4-42 We recently introduced a new sidehill leveling system for Deere STS combines. The 2970S system is engineered as a bolt-on system that allows it to be installed on both new and used Deere STS combines. The 18 percent leveling capability is fully automated and delivers smooth, powerful leveling performance. An innovative undercarriage design keeps the tread face of the tire flat on the ground during leveling and can accommodate either single or dual drive tires.
Instead of cumbersome cable and spring header controls, the 2970S is equipped with a hydraulic header control that can be integrated with the combine's Contour Master electronics to deliver fully automated height and lateral tilt control, essential on today's larger headers. The unit's extended feeder chain system eliminates the need for a paddle beater while improving feeding and greatly reducing maintenance.
A typical Deere STS combine can be equipped with a 2970S sidehill leveling system for about $28,500. (Lenny Hill, Hillco Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box 399, 107 1st Ave., Nezperce, Idaho 83543 ph 800 937-2461; email:; website: www.hillcotechnologies. com)
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