2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4, Page #38
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Rebuilt Ford Pickup
"Our 1966 Ford pickup with 98,000 miles burned oil and the ring gear on the flywheel was going out. I bought a 1984 Chevy conversion van with a 6.2 diesel and dropped the sub frame out of it, including the engine, transmission, power steering, air conditioning, and so on. "I removed the 6-cyl. engine, transmission, cross member, steering, and so on, from the Ford. All that was left on the Ford was the frame rails.
"I slid the diesel subframe, containing the complete suspension, in between the Ford frame rails and it was a perfect fit. I welded it in place so it looks like a factory-built job. At that point I also installed the rear end out of the van in the Ford. I had to weld in some spring hangers to do it but it all went together without a hitch.
"Usually, on a project like this, you have to shorten or lengthen a driveshaft. But I didn't. Everything fit perfect.
"I replaced the Ford dash with the one out of the van and also the steering column with the adjustable wheel and wiper and cruise controls.
"We also added propane injection. I think when we get it all done it should give us around 30 mpg.
"This was a ędon't try this at home' project. A lot of work, but I believe it will be worth it."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Ackerman, 12730 Tacoma Loop, Columbia, S.Dak. 57433 (ph 605 225-3231; email: bhalvorson@nvc.net).

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