Silver Seal Helps Fix Leaking Radiators On Tractors And Vehicles
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E."Woody" Johnson, Osakis, Minn.: "To fix leaking radiators on tractors and vehicles, I've had great luck using Silver Seal heavy duty stop leak (; ph 888 484-9560). It stops leaks quickly, inhibits rust, and lubricates the entire cooling system. It builds a quick, permanent seal that won't clog or damage radiators. Mixes with any kind of anti-freeze."

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Silver Seal Helps Fix Leaking Radiators On Tractors And Vehicles FARM SHOP Handy Hints 28-4-37 E."Woody" Johnson, Osakis, Minn.: "To fix leaking radiators on tractors and vehicles, I've had great luck using Silver Seal heavy duty stop leak (; ph 888 484-9560). It stops leaks quickly, inhibits rust, and lubricates the entire cooling system. It builds a quick, permanent seal that won't clog or damage radiators. Mixes with any kind of anti-freeze."
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