Farmall Fitted With Truck Axle, Heavy-Duty Hoist
Dave Fuchs and John Arter of Raymond, Ill., have an unusual tractor that they use in their auction business. It's a 1960 International Harvester 560 tractor equipped with the wide front axle off an old semi truck, as well as a heavy duty hoist equipped with a single big telescoping hydraulic cylinder. The tractor's 10.00 by 20 front tires also came off the semi tractor.
"We bought the tractor used eight years ago and use it mostly to lift heavy farm machinery onto trucks. The big front tires provide added safety and stability," says John. "Someone else had already made all the modifications to it. They reworked the pivot point at the center and also installed hydraulic steering. The heavy duty hoist is a commercial model that was available only for a few years. It works slow but can lift loads up to 6,000 lbs. as high as 18 ft. We operate it with a great deal of respect."
To counterbalance heavy loads, a metal weight rack was mounted on back that holds a yard of concrete.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Arter, 8306 Oilfield Ave., Raymond, Ill. 62560 (ph 217 229-3603).

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Farmall Fitted With Truck Axle, Heavy-Duty Hoist TRACTORS Modifications 28-4-33 Dave Fuchs and John Arter of Raymond, Ill., have an unusual tractor that they use in their auction business. It's a 1960 International Harvester 560 tractor equipped with the wide front axle off an old semi truck, as well as a heavy duty hoist equipped with a single big telescoping hydraulic cylinder. The tractor's 10.00 by 20 front tires also came off the semi tractor.
"We bought the tractor used eight years ago and use it mostly to lift heavy farm machinery onto trucks. The big front tires provide added safety and stability," says John. "Someone else had already made all the modifications to it. They reworked the pivot point at the center and also installed hydraulic steering. The heavy duty hoist is a commercial model that was available only for a few years. It works slow but can lift loads up to 6,000 lbs. as high as 18 ft. We operate it with a great deal of respect."
To counterbalance heavy loads, a metal weight rack was mounted on back that holds a yard of concrete.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Arter, 8306 Oilfield Ave., Raymond, Ill. 62560 (ph 217 229-3603).
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