He Carved His Own Teeth
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While visiting a small museum in Springfield, Ill., we came across an unusual exhibit. It seems an Illinois farmer named W.H. Workman lost his teeth in the early 1900's. Being a do-it-yourselfer, he didn't head to the dentist. Instead, he found some nice hardwoods and sat down to carve himself a set of choppers.
The upper plate was made out of white ash and hard maple. The lower plate was carved out of hickory. A newspaper article accompanying the exhibit, says he "wears them regularly" and that "local dentists have admired the excellent fit and fine appearance of the wooden plates".

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He Carved His Own Teeth AG WORLD 28-4-21 While visiting a small museum in Springfield, Ill., we came across an unusual exhibit. It seems an Illinois farmer named W.H. Workman lost his teeth in the early 1900's. Being a do-it-yourselfer, he didn't head to the dentist. Instead, he found some nice hardwoods and sat down to carve himself a set of choppers.
The upper plate was made out of white ash and hard maple. The lower plate was carved out of hickory. A newspaper article accompanying the exhibit, says he "wears them regularly" and that "local dentists have admired the excellent fit and fine appearance of the wooden plates".
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