2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4, Page #16
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Front-Mount Battery Box Works Well
Jim & Sandy Barrow of Tallahassee, Fla., have been pleased with a simple modification they made to their Kubota SGT 1800 18 hp lawn and garden tractor.They moved the battery from under the hood to the front of the tractor by building a frame extension to hold and protect it. The idea allowed them to replace the original battery with a car battery that's about two thirds bigger for extra starting power.
"We just like knowing that the tractor is going to start, even if we haven't used it for a while," Sandy says. "If you go out there and turn the key and nothing happens, that's the most exasperating thing in the world. Now we never have to worry about slow starts. It purrs right up."
There are other benefits to the front-mount battery box, too. The Barrows believe it's safer because the battery is further from the engine and driver, and it's more conveniently located for servicing.
Basically, they bolted a U-shaped bracket to the frame of the tractor that holds the larger battery lengthwise. A couple of tie-downs hold it in place.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim and Sandy Barrow, 121 Bass St., Tallahassee, Fla. 32301û6949 (ph 850 877-1058).

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