2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4, Page #05
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Department of Weird Museums
Here's a weird museum that you might want to check out if you're ever in Massachussets. The "Burnt Food Museum" is just what it sounds like: an emporium of food that's been cooked too long.Deborah Henson-Conant in Arlington, Mass., founded the museum and is also the primary contributor. The museum was founded in the late 1980's one night when Deborah put a small pot of hot apple cider on the stove to heat but then forgot about it. When she finally got back to the kitchen, the cider had become a "cinder" that she now exhibits as "Free-Standing Hot Apple Cider".
Other exhibits today include Thrice Baked Potato, Microwaved Quiche, Forever Kebab, and King Tut's Tomato.
The museum is temporarily closed due to fire damage, of all things, but you can check it out on the internet at www.burntfoodmuseum.com.

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