2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4, Page #03
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Mini Ferris Wheel Is A "Business On Wheels"
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"I saw what was happening in our small rural communities. They'd have a celebration of some kind and need to hire in some rides, but no one was too excited about bringing in the seedy carnival operators," Folkerts says.
The Kidaround holds 18 to 24 riders at a time and has six completely enclosed, screen-covered seats, each of which holds three to four children. It stands about 20 ft. high when in operation, and runs on110-volt current.
"I did a lot of engineering to allow it to run on a 25 to 35 amp outlet. It can be completely set up and ready to run in about 20 to 30 minutes, including the fence that is required by law to surround the ride," Folkerts says. "Also, when you want to shut down and go home, it hydraulically folds down. There are no tools required for set up or take down." The rig weighs only 4,500 lbs. and can be towed by a 1/2-ton pickup.
"All of its features have safety in mind and there have been no hurt children since it began," he adds. "Some of the semi-retired farmers out there are absolutely ideal operators of this kind of business. They understand children and enjoy doing it."
Folkerts himself only operates his ride locally now, since he promises the people who buy them that he won't infringe on their business.
"I once gave 8,500 rides in 10 days at a job where I was hired by a company to give free rides. I remember in particular that there were three high school-aged girls who rode 57 times each," Folkerts says. "I once gave 1,200 rides in one day for $2 each, although nowadays people are charging $3 per ride."
The Kidaround is classed as a kiddie ride, but he says it is popular with all ages. He sells them for $36,500. So far, he has built 12 units, nine of which have been sold.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cornie Folkerts, c/o Inwood Machine Inc., 1846 240th St., Inwood, Iowa 51240 (ph 712 753-4777; email: cfolkert@netins.net; website: www.folkertskidaround.com).

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