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Double Gate Lets Small Animals pass
The Capron family of Prague, Oklahoma has found a way to let sheep and goats move from pen to pasture without letting the cows out.
  Brothers Reese and Ted came up with the idea of including a smaller gate within the frame of the main gate. The small gate can be kept closed or it can be left open to give small stock more area to roam.
  Reese says they leave the small gate open so sheep and goats can go out onto pasture during the day and come back into the lot at night, but the cattle must stay out on pasture.
  "They just step over the bottom of the large gate frame, since it's just a few inches above the ground," says Reese's wife, Sharon. "It works great for the sheep and goats, and sometimes the dog and our grandson, too," she jokes.
  Reese says the gate frames are made from 1 1/2-in. tubing. The brothers used a cut-off saw to cut the tubing and then welded it together, with the small one inside the big one in the bottom corner. On the larger gate frame, they included a diagonal brace for added strength.
They hinged the little gate with two short pieces of 1 3/4-in. tubing, welded to the side of the small gate frame. They rotate around the larger gate frame upright. To prevent them from sliding down, Caprons slid two more pieces of the slightly larger tubing onto the large gate frame, just below the small gate hinges, and welded them on.
  Next, they placed a shortened corral panel on top of the entire frame and welded it on. The 16-ft. by 52-in. panels have 13 bars of 1/4-in. steel, but the Caprons cut this one down to 12 ft., to fit the gate hole and frame they had made.
  After welding the 1/4-in. steel bars to the large and small gate frames, they used their grinder to grind away the bars around the perimeter of the smaller gate, giving it freedom to swing. The small gate dimensions are 5 ft. long by 2 1/2 ft. tall.
  The big gate hinge is 3/4-in. pipe, hanging on pins screwed to the fence post.
  "It took us about eight hours to make this gate," Reese says. "We really like it and materials cost us under $70."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Reese Capron, Route 1, Box 272, Prague, Okla. 74864 (ph 405 567-4538).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #2