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Quick Structures Made From PVC, Rerod
The snow was about to fly, the machinery storage shed was full, and Clair Wilde still had a tractor, a baler and some other equipment out in the open.
  To get it out of the weather, the Utah farmer looked around for a way to cover it. He grabbed some blue poly tarps, some 20-ft. lengths of 1-in. PVC pipe, and a few short lengths of concrete reinforcing rod, and put up some temporary shelters right over the tops of the equipment.
  Wilde drove 3-ft. lengths of rebar into the ground about 1 ft. deep. He spaced these in two rows far enough apart so machinery would fit between them, with only four stakes in each row. Then he slipped the 20-ft. lengths of 1-in. PVC pipe over the rebar stakes to make four hoops. Finally, he put his blue tarp over the top and cinched it on with bungee cords. He fastened the bungees to tractor wheels or fences to keep the tarp from blowing off.
  "When I tightened the tarp down, it pulled the hoops together. I could see it needed something to stiffen up the hoops, so I fastened a length of PVC pipe along the peak of the arch with T-joints," he tells. "That did the trick and it stood up to the wind and snow all winter long."
  He figures that first makeshift shelter would be there still if he'd used UV resistant plastic pipe and tarps. "I used what I had at the time, and exposure to the sun eventually destroyed it," he says. But it lasted through the winter, and that's what he wanted.
  "It worked so well that I'm still using the idea," he says. When he builds temporary shelters now, he uses gray CPVC conduit and heavier silver tarps. Both the tarps and conduit are UV resistant and a couple of temporary structures he built two years ago are still standing.
  Wilde says it takes only half an hour or so to construct one of these temporary shelters. He says you could also use the idea to put up small greenhouses.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, L. Clair Wilde, 8490 So. 1380 E., Sandy, Utah 84093 (ph 801 255-5885; email: lcwilde@ networld.com).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #1