"Shade Umbrella" Made From Rebar And Vines
Joe Merrill loves to relax under his home made arbor in the shape of an umbrella. He used the old parts to build a 7-ft. tall frame for a Scuppernong vine plant. This grapevine, which grows primarily in warm climates and can be hundreds of years old, provides dense coverage for the umbrella. It is a cheap way to make a beautiful arbor with which to enjoy the outdoors.
Merrill had seen other structures like his, but none made from recycled machine parts. He took a 10-ft. piece of 2 1/2-in. pipe and mounted it in concrete, 3 ft. in the ground. The canopy frame is made of 5/8-in. and 1/2-in. rebar. "The joints in the canopy are held together with stainless steel water hose clamps," says Merrill. "And the canopy is attached to the trunk with a large muffler clamp," he notes.
"Because there are six runners in the vine, I decided to make a six-sided bench to go under the arbor. The bench is made of 2 by 12-in. boards," he says. The rebar can hardly be seen any more and the vine umbrella really adds to the yard."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe F. Merrill, 24309 County Road 32, Opp, Alabama 36467.

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"Shade Umbrella" Made From Rebar And Vines FARM HOME Novelty Items 27-6-44 Joe Merrill loves to relax under his home made arbor in the shape of an umbrella. He used the old parts to build a 7-ft. tall frame for a Scuppernong vine plant. This grapevine, which grows primarily in warm climates and can be hundreds of years old, provides dense coverage for the umbrella. It is a cheap way to make a beautiful arbor with which to enjoy the outdoors.
Merrill had seen other structures like his, but none made from recycled machine parts. He took a 10-ft. piece of 2 1/2-in. pipe and mounted it in concrete, 3 ft. in the ground. The canopy frame is made of 5/8-in. and 1/2-in. rebar. "The joints in the canopy are held together with stainless steel water hose clamps," says Merrill. "And the canopy is attached to the trunk with a large muffler clamp," he notes.
"Because there are six runners in the vine, I decided to make a six-sided bench to go under the arbor. The bench is made of 2 by 12-in. boards," he says. The rebar can hardly be seen any more and the vine umbrella really adds to the yard."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Joe F. Merrill, 24309 County Road 32, Opp, Alabama 36467.
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