Self-Propelled "Slat Replacer"
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I came up with this self-propelled "slat replacer" that's designed to replace the big 2,200-lb. precast concrete slats used in confinement buildings. It allows producers to replace all the hog slats in a 400-ft. building in less than five days. The ingenious machine folds up and rolls into the building through a standard 30-in. door. Then its support arms are extended into a circular shape to distribute its weight evenly over the floor. Special attachments are then used to lift out each floor section. It rotates 90 degrees up onto its side so it can be pulled out of the building through the door.
(Ken Doeden, Doeden Slat Replacer, Inc., 617 160th Ave., Slayton, Minn. 56172 (ph 507 836-6640; website: www.doeden-concrete-slat-replacer. com)

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Self-Propelled "Slat Replacer" LIVESTOCK Hogs (33) 27-6-42 I came up with this self-propelled "slat replacer" that's designed to replace the big 2,200-lb. precast concrete slats used in confinement buildings. It allows producers to replace all the hog slats in a 400-ft. building in less than five days. The ingenious machine folds up and rolls into the building through a standard 30-in. door. Then its support arms are extended into a circular shape to distribute its weight evenly over the floor. Special attachments are then used to lift out each floor section. It rotates 90 degrees up onto its side so it can be pulled out of the building through the door.
(Ken Doeden, Doeden Slat Replacer, Inc., 617 160th Ave., Slayton, Minn. 56172 (ph 507 836-6640; website: www.doeden-concrete-slat-replacer. com)
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