Reflectors For Railway Crossing
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There's an uncontrolled railway crossing near our place and if it's raining or snowing at night, you can't see the train on the tracks. The reflectors get so dirty on the sides of the rail cars you can't see them. We had three vehicle accidents at the intersection in recent years.
To improve chances of seeing the train, I put reflectors on the backs of the crossing signs. The reflectors can be seen from over 1/4 mile away. If the train is moving through, the reflector will flash back at you because of the open spaces between the cars.
The reflectors are 48 in. long and 4 in. wide, glued to 2 by 4's and nailed to the post.
Since I put up the reflectors there haven't been any other accidents. (Brian Dickinson, Box 36, Site 3, RR 2, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 2A2 Canada ph 403 845-5259)

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Reflectors For Railway Crossing MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 27-6-41 There's an uncontrolled railway crossing near our place and if it's raining or snowing at night, you can't see the train on the tracks. The reflectors get so dirty on the sides of the rail cars you can't see them. We had three vehicle accidents at the intersection in recent years.
To improve chances of seeing the train, I put reflectors on the backs of the crossing signs. The reflectors can be seen from over 1/4 mile away. If the train is moving through, the reflector will flash back at you because of the open spaces between the cars.
The reflectors are 48 in. long and 4 in. wide, glued to 2 by 4's and nailed to the post.
Since I put up the reflectors there haven't been any other accidents. (Brian Dickinson, Box 36, Site 3, RR 2, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta T4T 2A2 Canada ph 403 845-5259)
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