2003 - Volume #27, Issue #6, Page #37
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He Converts A Magneto To A Distributor
Craig Froman, English, Ind.: "When the magneto goes dead on an old tractor, I convert the magneto to a distributor by using the coil and condenser from an old car, which I get cheap at a junkyard. I hook the distributor wires up to the coil and then install the condenser on it. This way I'm using the coil for a spark off the battery. Some people claim older tractors run better off a battery than they do off a magneto."I've even used this idea to convert an old outboard motor when the magneto went bad. I installed a coil on each set of points. In fact, any vehicle that has a magneto on it and a set of points can be converted to run on its battery. This method is a lot less expensive than trying to fix it, which is often very expensive."

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