Shopping Cart To Haul Wire Feed Welder
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Cary Urka, Brethren, Mich.: "Pickup-mounted snow blades can be difficult to install. To make the job easier, I mount the blade on a pallet jack. I wheel the blade up to the pickup, then use the hand jack to raise the blade and install it. It works as well as a commercial stand is a lot less expensive.
"I use a shopping cart to haul my wire feed welder and acetylene tank around my shop. The welder rests on a metal shelf, and the tank mounts on brackets that attach to the cart. I widened the front wheels to make the cart more stable.
"This 10-ft. wide stainless steel kitchen sink mounts along a wall inside the paint room in my shop and is used for mixing paint, storing paint guns, etc. Rinse material drains into an old paint thinner located under the sink. I hang paint guns on one side of the sink."

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Shopping Cart To Haul Wire Feed Welder FARM SHOP Welders/Torches (64) 27-6-37 Cary Urka, Brethren, Mich.: "Pickup-mounted snow blades can be difficult to install. To make the job easier, I mount the blade on a pallet jack. I wheel the blade up to the pickup, then use the hand jack to raise the blade and install it. It works as well as a commercial stand is a lot less expensive.
"I use a shopping cart to haul my wire feed welder and acetylene tank around my shop. The welder rests on a metal shelf, and the tank mounts on brackets that attach to the cart. I widened the front wheels to make the cart more stable.
"This 10-ft. wide stainless steel kitchen sink mounts along a wall inside the paint room in my shop and is used for mixing paint, storing paint guns, etc. Rinse material drains into an old paint thinner located under the sink. I hang paint guns on one side of the sink."
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