Tool Replaces Several Wrenches And A Hammer
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Ken Scharabok, 1645 West Blue Creek Road, Waverly, Tenn. 37185 (email: "I have made a tool that can replace several wrenches and a heavy-duty hammer. I forge down the end of the wrench to fit into the head before being welded in place for strength. I have one in each of my tractor toolboxes and I've made them up for several of my friends. I would be willing to do the same for others for the total delivered cost of $20."

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Tool Replaces Several Wrenches And A Hammer FARM SHOP Tools 27-6-36 Ken Scharabok, 1645 West blue Creek Road, Waverly, Tenn. 37185 (email: "I have made a tool that can replace several wrenches and a heavy-duty hammer. I forge down the end of the wrench to fit into the head before being welded in place for strength. I have one in each of my tractor toolboxes and I've made them up for several of my friends. I would be willing to do the same for others for the total delivered cost of $20."
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