Add-On "Duel-Fuel" Unit For Wood Burning Furnaces
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"Our new dual-fuel unit is designed to work with any outdoor wood burning furnace. It lets you burn natural gas, liquid propane, waste oil or fuel oil instead of wood. Or, you can burn any of these fuels and wood at the same time to increase the furnace's heating capacity," says Mark Setzer, HeatSource 1, Beatrice, Neb.
The dual-fuel "SideKick" mounts next to an outdoor wood burner and is simply plumbed into the water jacket around the firebox. It's available as an option to the company's outdoor wood burning furnaces or as an add-on to any other brand of outdoor wood furnace. It can be equipped to burn virtually any liquid fuel.
"It gives you the flexibility and convenience to burn a variety of fuels," says Setzer. "It automatically kicks in if you choose not to refuel your furnace with wood, or if you're gone. You can burn wood only, back up fuel only, or a combination of the two. It's a natural backup system for anyone who has a propane tank on their farm - if you run out of wood, the propane burner will automatically kick in. It works great if you go on vacation during the winter, because you can use another fuel to heat your home, shop or garage without missing a beat. It also comes in handy for heating large buildings during extremely cold weather when the wood burning furnace alone can't keep up. Burning two different fuels at the same time greatly increases the heat output."
The unit comes in four different colors: green, brown, tan, and charcoal.
Sells for $2,195.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, HeatSource 1, 207 Market, Beatrice, Neb. 68310 (ph 888 628-3533; email:; website:

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Add-On "Duel-Fuel" Unit For Wood Burning Furnaces ENERGY Wood Burners (65) 27-6-32 "Our new dual-fuel unit is designed to work with any outdoor wood burning furnace. It lets you burn natural gas, liquid propane, waste oil or fuel oil instead of wood. Or, you can burn any of these fuels and wood at the same time to increase the furnace's heating capacity," says Mark Setzer, HeatSource 1, Beatrice, Neb.
The dual-fuel "SideKick" mounts next to an outdoor wood burner and is simply plumbed into the water jacket around the firebox. It's available as an option to the company's outdoor wood burning furnaces or as an add-on to any other brand of outdoor wood furnace. It can be equipped to burn virtually any liquid fuel.
"It gives you the flexibility and convenience to burn a variety of fuels," says Setzer. "It automatically kicks in if you choose not to refuel your furnace with wood, or if you're gone. You can burn wood only, back up fuel only, or a combination of the two. It's a natural backup system for anyone who has a propane tank on their farm - if you run out of wood, the propane burner will automatically kick in. It works great if you go on vacation during the winter, because you can use another fuel to heat your home, shop or garage without missing a beat. It also comes in handy for heating large buildings during extremely cold weather when the wood burning furnace alone can't keep up. Burning two different fuels at the same time greatly increases the heat output."
The unit comes in four different colors: green, brown, tan, and charcoal.
Sells for $2,195.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, HeatSource 1, 207 Market, Beatrice, Neb. 68310 (ph 888 628-3533; email:; website:
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