Two-Way Mirror Lets You Watch Birds Up Close
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You can get closer than you've ever been to feeding birds with this new feeder that's fitted with a two-way mirror for a back panel. Birds see themselves instead of you, as they eat. The unit hangs on windows using heavy duty suction cups and can easily be unhooked for filling and cleaning.
Twin feed tubes dispense two types of feed into the tray.
This kind of bird watching works great to entertain children, adults, and even indoor cats.
There are two sizes available û an 8 by 10-in. ($19.99) and a 14 by 10-in. ($29.99) plus S&H.
Contact: Bird Magic (email:; website:

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Two-Way Mirror Lets You Watch Birds Up Close FARM HOME recreation 27-6-30 You can get closer than you've ever been to feeding birds with this new feeder that's fitted with a two-way mirror for a back panel. Birds see themselves instead of you, as they eat. The unit hangs on windows using heavy duty suction cups and can easily be unhooked for filling and cleaning.
Twin feed tubes dispense two types of feed into the tray.
This kind of bird watching works great to entertain children, adults, and even indoor cats.
There are two sizes available û an 8 by 10-in. ($19.99) and a 14 by 10-in. ($29.99) plus S&H.
Contact: Bird Magic (email:; website:
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