"Stretched Tractor" Adds To Tractor Ride Fun
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Traveling 180 miles over three days along with 900 other tractors is too much fun not to share with as many family members as possible, says Bud Robbins, who built a specially modified tractor for "The Great Eastern Iowa Tractor Ride," sponsored by Cedar Rapids radio station, "WMT."
"It's just plain good, clean family entertainment and a lot of fun," he says. "I've been going to the ride for three years now. My brother just turned 82, and he couldn't handle driving a tractor himself anymore. That's the reason we built our 'Lemuhzeene,' which seats five people with room for a cooler."
The project was a collaboration of Bud and several members of the Cheriton River Valley Antique Power Association.
They welded together parts from two 1945 WC Allis Chalmers frames between the original tractor's front and rear ends, and put in a long drive shaft, with extra bracing for safety. It's "braced out to the cultivator bracket mounts to stabilize it." Cross members were welded on top of that, and they used a 4 by 8-ft. sheet of plywood for a deck. Seating is three-tiered, with two school bus bench seats and a very comfortable Farmall 460 seat for the driver. Each of the back two rows of seats are set eight to 10 inches higher than the seat in front of it.
The tractor has since been sold to "Main Street Cafe" in Knoxville, Iowa, which will use it for publicity.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bud Robbins, 1722 Hwy. S45, Dallas, Iowa, 50062 (ph 641 947-6218).

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"Stretched Tractor" Adds To Tractor Ride Fun FARM HOME recreation 27-6-28 Traveling 180 miles over three days along with 900 other tractors is too much fun not to share with as many family members as possible, says Bud Robbins, who built a specially modified tractor for "The Great Eastern Iowa Tractor Ride," sponsored by Cedar Rapids radio station, "WMT."
"It's just plain good, clean family entertainment and a lot of fun," he says. "I've been going to the ride for three years now. My brother just turned 82, and he couldn't handle driving a tractor himself anymore. That's the reason we built our ęLemuhzeene,' which seats five people with room for a cooler."
The project was a collaboration of Bud and several members of the Cheriton River Valley Antique Power Association.
They welded together parts from two 1945 WC Allis Chalmers frames between the original tractor's front and rear ends, and put in a long drive shaft, with extra bracing for safety. It's "braced out to the cultivator bracket mounts to stabilize it." Cross members were welded on top of that, and they used a 4 by 8-ft. sheet of plywood for a deck. Seating is three-tiered, with two school bus bench seats and a very comfortable Farmall 460 seat for the driver. Each of the back two rows of seats are set eight to 10 inches higher than the seat in front of it.
The tractor has since been sold to "Main Street CafŚ" in Knoxville, Iowa, which will use it for publicity.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bud Robbins, 1722 Hwy. S45, Dallas, Iowa, 50062 (ph 641 947-6218).
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