Short Season Open-Pollinated Corn
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"Most open-pollinated corn is grown in southern areas with longer growing seasons. High yielding varieties for northern areas have not been widely available. We're changing that with short season, open-pollinated varieties that will let northern growers reap the benefits of open-pollinated corn," says Vaughn Emo, Avoca, N.Y., of Green Haven Open Pollinated Seed.
His 75-day open-pollinated "Kucyk Early" variety produces 6 to 7-ft. tall plants with 7 1/2 to 8 1/2-in. long ears. The ears are mostly yellow although some are brown or maroon. His 85-day Wapsie Valley variety produces 8 1/2-ft. tall plants with 7 1/2 to 8-in. long, well-formed ears. The ears have a mostly rich yellow, waxy color with some maroon ears and a few brown-colored ears. Also available is the 90-day æ"J' Reid Yellow Dent" variety. It has an 8 1/2-ft. tall hearty plant with 9-in. long ears. A longer season open-pollinated variety is also available.
"Our location in New York is at a higher elevation which causes us to be sensitive to the needs of farmers with short growing seasons," says Emo. Open-pollinated corn is said to be higher in protein, amino acids and sugar than regular hybrids, giving livestock farmers higher feed value. Of course, the biggest advantage is that farmers can select their own seed from this year's crop to plant next year.
A free catalog is available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vaughn Emo, Green Haven, 8225 Wessels Road, Avoca, N.Y. 14809 (ph 800 582-0952; fax 607 566-9253; email: opcorn

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Short Season Open-Pollinated Corn CROPS New Crops 27-6-18 "Most open-pollinated corn is grown in southern areas with longer growing seasons. High yielding varieties for northern areas have not been widely available. We're changing that with short season, open-pollinated varieties that will let northern growers reap the benefits of open-pollinated corn," says Vaughn Emo, Avoca, N.Y., of Green Haven Open Pollinated Seed.
His 75-day open-pollinated "Kucyk Early" variety produces 6 to 7-ft. tall plants with 7 1/2 to 8 1/2-in. long ears. The ears are mostly yellow although some are brown or maroon. His 85-day Wapsie Valley variety produces 8 1/2-ft. tall plants with 7 1/2 to 8-in. long, well-formed ears. The ears have a mostly rich yellow, waxy color with some maroon ears and a few brown-colored ears. Also available is the 90-day æ"J' Reid Yellow Dent" variety. It has an 8 1/2-ft. tall hearty plant with 9-in. long ears. A longer season open-pollinated variety is also available.
"Our location in New York is at a higher elevation which causes us to be sensitive to the needs of farmers with short growing seasons," says Emo. Open-pollinated corn is said to be higher in protein, amino acids and sugar than regular hybrids, giving livestock farmers higher feed value. Of course, the biggest advantage is that farmers can select their own seed from this year's crop to plant next year.
A free catalog is available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vaughn Emo, Green Haven, 8225 Wessels Road, Avoca, N.Y. 14809 (ph 800 582-0952; fax 607 566-9253; email: opcorn
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