Quick-Tach ATV Cab
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Rio Ranch Import & Supply Co. has begun distributing a new line of ATV cabs called QuadPods. The cabs are manufactured in Auckland, New Zealand where ATVs are known as "quads." The pods come in hard-top and soft-top versions, both of which assemble in less than five minutes.
The soft-top model can be used as a stand-alone windscreen, a windscreen and roof, or a windscreen, roof and backdrop combo for use in severe weather. Roller doors and windshield wipers are add-on options.
The hard-top model has a molded polyethylene roof, complete with rain gutters to stop your legs from getting wet. The windscreen is scratch-resistant safety glass that won't deteriorate over time. The hard-top does not come with a backdrop or doors.
The pods attach with only four bolts. Both tops are lightweight and aerodynamic. QuadPods are being sold in Australia, New Zealand, England, and Scotland.
The hard-top sells for $1,175 and the soft-top comes complete with a backdrop for $1,200.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rio Ranch Import & Supply Co., 390 Hwy. 19 W., Vesta, Minn. (ph 888 762-3299).

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Quick-Tach ATV Cab ATV'S ATV'S 27-6-10 Rio Ranch Import & Supply Co. has begun distributing a new line of ATV cabs called QuadPods. The cabs are manufactured in Auckland, New Zealand where ATVs are known as "quads." The pods come in hard-top and soft-top versions, both of which assemble in less than five minutes.
The soft-top model can be used as a stand-alone windscreen, a windscreen and roof, or a windscreen, roof and backdrop combo for use in severe weather. Roller doors and windshield wipers are add-on options.
The hard-top model has a molded polyethylene roof, complete with rain gutters to stop your legs from getting wet. The windscreen is scratch-resistant safety glass that won't deteriorate over time. The hard-top does not come with a backdrop or doors.
The pods attach with only four bolts. Both tops are lightweight and aerodynamic. QuadPods are being sold in Australia, New Zealand, England, and Scotland.
The hard-top sells for $1,175 and the soft-top comes complete with a backdrop for $1,200.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rio Ranch Import & Supply Co., 390 Hwy. 19 W., Vesta, Minn. (ph 888 762-3299).
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