Start Your Own Lobster Farm
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Lobster is great to eat, but it's expensive and almost impossible to get during the winter months. Now, you can raise and breed your own lobsters with minimal effort, right in your own basement. "I knew nothing about aquariums when I started a year and a half ago," says Sherry Jansen of Blue Marina Ponds. "But they're easy to take care of and produce beautiful, electric blue freshwater lobster."
Blue Marina Ponds sells a start-up kit to begin your own freshwater lobster farm. The lobsters, originally native to New Zealand, have become popular in restaurants around the country. Starting with just a dozen lobster you can produce thousands over the course of a couple years. All you need is clean water and a somewhat large container such as a kiddie-pool. Time commitment is small. "I spend about an hour a day and I have many more lobsters than the typical person would," says Jansen. The lobsters will grow to full size in a couple months.
The requirements for lobster farming aren't that numerous. Freshwater lobster will tolerate a large variety of water conditions but they do need the temperature to be above 60 degrees. You will also need to do a few chemical adjustments here and there. Using a powered filter goes a long way to maintaining the tank and can be bought for $50. Adding grass or willows to the water along with floating screens will give the lobsters shelter and provide them with plenty of food. "I feed mine rabbit food, but they'll eat almost anything," notes Jansen.
Lobsters are sold based on their size and breeding abilities. Prices for a startup lobster kit of baby lobsters start at $75. Ready to breed lobsters are $20 to $25 a piece. The minimum for any order is 12 lobsters. Breeders are responsible for their own equipment and should check with their state's DNR regarding the regulations for raising imported species. Blue Marina will provide basic support information as well as ongoing advice.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sherry Jansen, 24071 Blue Marina Road, Cleveland, Minn.

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Start Your Own Lobster Farm 27-6-9 Lobster is great to eat, but it's expensive and almost impossible to get during the winter months. Now, you can raise and breed your own lobsters with minimal effort, right in your own basement. "I knew nothing about aquariums when I started a year and a half ago," says Sherry Jansen of Blue Marina Ponds. "But they're easy to take care of and produce beautiful, electric blue freshwater lobster."
Blue Marina Ponds sells a start-up kit to begin your own freshwater lobster farm. The lobsters, originally native to New Zealand, have become popular in restaurants around the country. Starting with just a dozen lobster you can produce thousands over the course of a couple years. All you need is clean water and a somewhat large container such as a kiddie-pool. Time commitment is small. "I spend about an hour a day and I have many more lobsters than the typical person would," says Jansen. The lobsters will grow to full size in a couple months.
The requirements for lobster farming aren't that numerous. Freshwater lobster will tolerate a large variety of water conditions but they do need the temperature to be above 60 degrees. You will also need to do a few chemical adjustments here and there. Using a powered filter goes a long way to maintaining the tank and can be bought for $50. Adding grass or willows to the water along with floating screens will give the lobsters shelter and provide them with plenty of food. "I feed mine rabbit food, but they'll eat almost anything," notes Jansen.
Lobsters are sold based on their size and breeding abilities. Prices for a startup lobster kit of baby lobsters start at $75. Ready to breed lobsters are $20 to $25 a piece. The minimum for any order is 12 lobsters. Breeders are responsible for their own equipment and should check with their state's DNR regarding the regulations for raising imported species. Blue Marina will provide basic support information as well as ongoing advice.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Sherry Jansen, 24071 Blue Marina Road, Cleveland, Minn. 56017 (ph 866-666-6947; email:
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