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Fast Way To Bag Leaves
Here's a quick and easy way to bag leaves without getting your hands dirty.
  The "Leaves in Bag" system consists of a support sleeve that goes inside the bag, and "clamshell" leaf loaders that let you quickly pick up piles of leaves.
  The sleeve is made from high density poly and measures 6 ft. long and 2 ft. high. It's designed to work with 30, 33 or 39-gal. trash bags. When you roll the sleeve up and insert it inside the bag, the sleeve expands to hold the bag fully open. The clamshell leaf loader works by spreading the handles like a post hole digger.
  "It works much faster than a rake and also saves a lot of wear and tear on your back," says Hierath. "Some people leave the sleeve inside the bag and use it in their shop or garage or yard as a trash container."
  Sells for $29.95 plus $9 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hierath Products, LLC, Box 61203, Denver, Colo. 80206 (ph 877 355-0039 or 303 355-0039; email: Len@MasterCompost.com; website: www.LEAVESinBAGS.net).

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2003 - Volume #27, Issue #5