Easy Way To Splice Broken Fence Wire
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Larry Zenz, Parks, Ark: "While cleaning up after an ice storm, I came up with an easy way to splice broken fence wire. I stretch the wires so they overlap about 1 1/2 in. and then bend up about a 3/4-in. long piece at the end of each wire. I slip a washer over the ends, bend the wires back, then run a 1/4-in. bolt through the washer with a 1/4-in. washer on each side. Tighten it down and you're done. The splice will hold till the cows come home!"

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Easy Way To Splice Broken Fence Wire FENCING Miscellaneous 26-5-39 Larry Zenz, Parks, Ark: "While cleaning up after an ice storm, I came up with an easy way to splice broken fence wire. I stretch the wires so they overlap about 1 1/2 in. and then bend up about a 3/4-in. long piece at the end of each wire. I slip a washer over the ends, bend the wires back, then run a 1/4-in. bolt through the washer with a 1/4-in. washer on each side. Tighten it down and you're done. The splice will hold till the cows come home!"
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