Live Traps Made of Steel And Aluminum
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After reading a story on live traps in one of your past issues, I knew I could make a better one. My trap is made of steel and aluminum. A pan serves as a trip lever and has an adjustable weight on it to control how sensitive it is. A metal rod outside the trap is welded to the trip lever. A release arm extends through a guide and into a small hole in the bottom part of the door. The release arm can be moved into the door to further adjust sensitivity. There are large U-shaped handles on the door and at the ends of the trap, where a pole can be slid through allowing two people to carry the trap. By tieing a rope to the door handle and running it up and over a tree branch, I can open the door at a safe distance.
"I used angle iron and expanded metal to make two of these traps. Each one cost less than $100 to build. The traps can be set to catch pests as small as rats or as large as raccoons. I'd like to hear from manufacturers, dealers, or distributors. (James Polluch, 1350 Burkholder Dr., Alpena, Mich. 49707 ph 989 356-3230)

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Live Traps Made of Steel And Aluminum MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pest Animals 26-5-36 After reading a story on live traps in one of your past issues, I knew I could make a better one. My trap is made of steel and aluminum. A pan serves as a trip lever and has an adjustable weight on it to control how sensitive it is. A metal rod outside the trap is welded to the trip lever. A release arm extends through a guide and into a small hole in the bottom part of the door. The release arm can be moved into the door to further adjust sensitivity. There are large U-shaped handles on the door and at the ends of the trap, where a pole can be slid through allowing two people to carry the trap. By tieing a rope to the door handle and running it up and over a tree branch, I can open the door at a safe distance.
"I used angle iron and expanded metal to make two of these traps. Each one cost less than $100 to build. The traps can be set to catch pests as small as rats or as large as raccoons. I'd like to hear from manufacturers, dealers, or distributors. (James Polluch, 1350 Burkholder Dr., Alpena, Mich. 49707 ph 989 356-3230)
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