Bolt-Together Hopper Bottom Kit For Grain Bins
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One-piece, welded-together hopper bottoms that convert flat-bottom bins to hopper bottoms have been on the market for years. This new bolt-together kit is designed so that you can put the hopper together yourself and save money, says Friesen Mfg., Storm Lake, Iowa.
Hopper bottoms are easier to clean out and also increase storage capacity, adding anywhere from 350 to 1,300 bu. The do-it-yourself hopper has a 40-degree slope and mounts on heavy tube steel legs. It has a rack and pinion slide gate at bottom with an 18-in. opening. A long-handled crank opens it.
You need a loader tractor or skid loader to put the hopper together. It takes a minimum of two persons to bolt together the pie-shaped sections that make up the hopper.
"The kit fits most bins. However, there are four different things we have customers check before they buy to make sure the kit will fit their bin," says Rhonda Burnside.
The kit ships in a 7 by 13-ft. package. Models are available for bins ranging from 2,850 to 10,700 bu. An 18-ft. dia. model designed for a 3,500-bu. bin sells for less than $3,250 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Friesen, 2897 Expansion Blvd., Storm Lake, Iowa 50588 (ph 800 437-2334; fax 712 732-1028; E-mail:; Website:

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Bolt-Together Hopper Bottom Kit For Grain Bins GRAIN HANDLING Miscellaneous 26-5-3 One-piece, welded-together hopper bottoms that convert flat-bottom bins to hopper bottoms have been on the market for years. This new bolt-together kit is designed so that you can put the hopper together yourself and save money, says Friesen Mfg., Storm Lake, Iowa.
Hopper bottoms are easier to clean out and also increase storage capacity, adding anywhere from 350 to 1,300 bu. The do-it-yourself hopper has a 40-degree slope and mounts on heavy tube steel legs. It has a rack and pinion slide gate at bottom with an 18-in. opening. A long-handled crank opens it.
You need a loader tractor or skid loader to put the hopper together. It takes a minimum of two persons to bolt together the pie-shaped sections that make up the hopper.
"The kit fits most bins. However, there are four different things we have customers check before they buy to make sure the kit will fit their bin," says Rhonda Burnside.
The kit ships in a 7 by 13-ft. package. Models are available for bins ranging from 2,850 to 10,700 bu. An 18-ft. dia. model designed for a 3,500-bu. bin sells for less than $3,250 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Friesen, 2897 Expansion Blvd., Storm Lake, Iowa 50588 (ph 800 437-2334; fax 712 732-1028; E-mail:; Website:
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