Rear-Mount Cargo Racks For ATV's
No trailer is needed to haul a 4-wheeler with this new 4 by 6-ft. rack that plugs into any Class IV or V receiver hitch. It weighs about 185 lbs. and carries about 600 lbs. A deluxe model is available that tilts for easy loading and can be fitted with an optional support wheel on back that allows you to haul loads up to 1,000 lbs.
The company points out that compared to a trailer, the cargo platform requires no license tag, no insurance, no maintenance, no wheels, and eliminates the possibility of jackknifing.
The standard Carry All rack sells for $599 and the deluxe model for $749. Other racks are available and the company says it will custom fabricate racks to any specifications.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carry-All Racks, Inc., 505 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30045 (ph 800 296-3934 or 770 962-2724; E-mail: carryallrack@; Website: www.CarryAllRacks .com).

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Rear-Mount Cargo Racks For ATV's ATV'S ATV'S 26-5-2 No trailer is needed to haul a 4-wheeler with this new 4 by 6-ft. rack that plugs into any Class IV or V receiver hitch. It weighs about 185 lbs. and carries about 600 lbs. A deluxe model is available that tilts for easy loading and can be fitted with an optional support wheel on back that allows you to haul loads up to 1,000 lbs.
The company points out that compared to a trailer, the cargo platform requires no license tag, no insurance, no maintenance, no wheels, and eliminates the possibility of jackknifing.
The standard Carry All rack sells for $599 and the deluxe model for $749. Other racks are available and the company says it will custom fabricate racks to any specifications.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carry-All Racks, Inc., 505 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30045 (ph 800 296-3934 or 770 962-2724; E-mail: carryallrack@; Website: www.CarryAllRacks .com).
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