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John Deere A's Powered By V-8 Diesel Engines
There are now two John Deere "A's" powered by V-8 diesel engines and both were converted by John Jones of Odon Machine, Odon, Indiana. I read the article about Jones in FARM SHOW a year ago (Vol. 16, No. 6) that described how he had replaced the 2-cyl. gas engine in his 1944 Deere "A" with an Oldsmobile 350 diesel. It caught my eye because I had just bought a 1950 "A" that had sat outside for many years. The
engine was full of water and locked up. I had a 350 diesel engine from a 1979 pickup so, after reading about John's conversion, I contacted him and talked him into doing one for me. It turned out great as the photo shows. I'm on my tractor on the left and John's on his tractor on the right. (George R Thomas, 5878 Hedley Rd., Radnor, Ohio 43066 ph 740 595-3385)

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1