Followup To New-Style Drill Bit Sharpener
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"People who read your article in the last issue of FARM SHOW about my drill bit sharpening must have thought it sounded pretty expensive," says Stan McDonald, Foxboro, Ontario, inventor of a new-style drill bit sharpener featured in the Vol. 26, No. 3 issue of FARM SHOW.
The price ($550 U.S.) was correct but the article stated that it mounted on the side of a bench grinder. Actually, it's a self-contained unit that comes with its own motor and grinding wheel. The entire unit mounts together on a bench.
That's still a lot of money but this bit sharpener will do things no other sharpener does, handling any bit up to 3 in. dia. and doing æfour facet' sharpening that gives the bit four cutting edges instead of two, greatly improving performance.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stan McDonald, 302 Rosedale Ave., Foxboro, Ontario K0K 2B0 Canada (ph 613 968-9516; E-mail:
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Followup To New-Style Drill Bit Sharpener FARM SHOP Miscellaneous 26-4-35 "People who read your article in the last issue of FARM SHOW about my drill bit sharpening must have thought it sounded pretty expensive," says Stan McDonald, Foxboro, Ontario, inventor of a new-style drill bit sharpener featured in the Vol. 26, No. 3 issue of FARM SHOW.
The price ($550 U.S.) was correct but the article stated that it mounted on the side of a bench grinder. Actually, it's a self-contained unit that comes with its own motor and grinding wheel. The entire unit mounts together on a bench.
That's still a lot of money but this bit sharpener will do things no other sharpener does, handling any bit up to 3 in. dia. and doing æfour facet' sharpening that gives the bit four cutting edges instead of two, greatly improving performance.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stan McDonald, 302 Rosedale Ave., Foxboro, Ontario K0K 2B0 Canada (ph 613 968-9516; E-mail:
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