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Recycled Compact Discs Keep Birds Out Of Crops
Recycled compact discs can help keep birds out of crops and away from buildings, at least during the day when they are the most aggressive. The shiny, mirror-like surfaces of CD's are highly reflective and create a bright swirling rainbow of color. If you hang several discs around a fruit tree or the opening to a building, the blinding reflection will be too intense for their eyes.
The trick to hanging the CD's for maximum effect is to bend a 3-in. long piece of wire into the shape of the Greek letter omega (Ø). Make the loop part about 1/2 in. wide so it slips through the hole in the center of the disc. The "feet" of the wire should catch the edge of the hole so the wire hangar doesn't slip through entirely. Tie a length of fishing line to the center of the loop and the other to a branch. The shiny side of the disc should face up but will not be balanced perfectly so it'll tip to one side or the other, reflecting up at an angle. The discs should be able to rotate freely. (Paul Neher, Las Cruces, New Mexico, in Mother Earth News)

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2002 - Volume #26, Issue #3