1991 - Volume #15, Issue #3, Page #04
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You'll Like This New Revolving Door Gate
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The revolving self-closing gate is totally automatic. You never have to get out of your truck, tractor, or car to open or close it. It consists of two standard-size stock gate panels mounted on a center pivot pole that's the "brains" of the patent-pending new gate.
"I was tired of climbing in and out of my pickup all the time to open and close gates. One day this idea just popped into my head and I went out to the shop and built it," says Mitchell Grainger, who says the gate works so well he's decided to begin manufacturing it for sale in addition to running his farm near Butler, Mo.
When closed, the gate is held in place by spring-steel latches which are released by the first "bump" of a vehicle passing through. You continue to push the gate out past 90 degrees at which point the center pivot pole "cams over" and the second gate closes behind. No electricity or other outside power source required.
"It's simple, totally mechanical, and it works," says Grainger, adding that cattle and other livestock can't open the gate because of the "bump" required to release the spring latches. Also, you can adjust the heavy-duty spring inside the pivot pole to make it harder to open as needed.
Grainger plans to begin selling the pivot pole by early summer for $225 (gates not included). It weighs 225 lbs.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mitchell Grainger, Box 184, Butler, Mo. 64730 (ph 816 679-5409).

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