1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #21
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Farmers Harvest With Color Coded Picker
"We wanted a self-propelled picker but we didn't like what we saw on the market. So we built it ourselves," says Allan Sander, Arcadia, Iowa who, along with his brother Paul, built a "color coded" self-propelled corn picker that combines parts from three different manufacturers.The "hybrid" machine is made up of a 444 Deere 4-row head and a 727 New Idea husking bed mounted on a 1660 Case combine chassis. "We thought about buying a New Idea Uni-System tractor to power it but we already had the Deere head and the old Case combine," says Sander.
The first step in building the picker was stripping everything off the combine chassis except the cab, motor, drive train, tires, and chassis. Then they mounted the Deere head on the Case feederhouse, fashioning extra framework to adapt and support it. The husking bed mounts high at the rear of the machine, supported by angle iron framework. To feed corn from the header to the husking bed they extended the New Idea feeder throat using Deere parts they found at a salvage yard.
Allan says the trickiest part of building the machine was arranging drive shafts and belts on the machine. "Some of them come pretty close together," he notes.
The Sander brothers say the Deere head is key to success of the machine. "It doesn't shell as much corn as the snapper-type chains on pull-type pickers we've used in the past. It also does a better job getting low to pick up down corn than the heads on most pickers," says Allan.
Another advantage of the self-propelled picker is that it has a relatively short turning radius for good maneuverability and the husking bed is mounted high at the rear for easier unloading into a trailing wagon. Allan says it has plenty of power to pull a good-size wagon of corn. The machine picks at about 3 mph.
Using nearly all parts from salvage yards, the brothers spent about $1,800 to build the picker, including the cost of the husking bed but not including the cost of the Deere head or the Case combine, which they already had.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Allan & Paul Sander, Arcadia, Iowa 51430 (ph 712 673-2745).

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