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Bale Roller Fits Over End Of Spear
Here's a nifty idea for rolling or unrolling round bales.
R.E. Vaughn, Jr., Huntsville, Ala., made a 2-wheel "unroller" that fits over the tip of his 3-pt. mounted bale spear. 'When I make a hundred or more bales, it often rains before I get them all into the barn and if they get a wet spot on the bottom, mold will grow there if I don't turn them up into the sun to dry off. I can roll over a hundred bales in a short time with these wheels. It takes only a minute to slide the wheels on over the spear and tighten down the bolt. I've used this idea for the past four year."
Vaughn notes that you can also use the spear-mounted bale wheels to unroll bales on the ground for feeding.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R.E. Vaughn, Jr., 2339 Old Monrovia Rd., Huntsville, Ala. 35806 (ph 205 837-4788).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2