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Bucket-Mounted Mirrors Provide View Of Forklift Spears
Steve Spiering needed a way to move pallets loaded with 2,500-lb. bulk bags of soybeans around his farm. He didn't want to spend the money for a forklift or forklift attachment. He decided to mount forks on the bucket of his Deere 644B payloader. The problem with that idea was that he couldn't see the forks over the top of the big bucket.
  So Spiering mounted two mirrors on the bucket that let him clearly see the forks from the cab.
  "It looks a little weird but it works well," says Spiering. "I used 1 1/4-in. sq. box tubing to make a frame to hold the mirrors. It bolts to the bottom and top of the bucket. The mirrors mount inside 1-in. angle iron frames, with the back side of each mirror supported by 1 1/2-in. thick plywood. The bottom mirror rests on the bottom of the bucket. The top mirror can be adjusted with a length of redi rod that attaches to the frame. My total cost was only about $50.
  "In the past it often took two people to move a pallet. One person had to shout directions to the driver. Now I can zip the forks under the pallet as fast as a forklift can," says Spiering.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve Spiering, 48594 Hwy. 158, Milbank, S. Dak. 57252 (ph 320 568-2246).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #6